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Finance & HR Assistant

34 565 ₴   NET
1 тиждень тому
25 лютого 2025
КиївСаксаганського 120
В офісі/на місці
Повна зайнятість

WeWorld is a secular, independent Italian organization that has been active in international cooperation and humanitarian aid since 1971. Present in 27 countries with 165 projects, WeWorld is involved in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, preventing and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, sanitation and hygiene, education and international volunteering. WeWorld works with local and international partners to develop and implement projects on the ground that improve the daily lives of people in emergency situations, and to guarantee a dignified life, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, within the framework of the Agenda 2030. WeWorld has a long-term experience in implementing multi-sectorial responses emergencies (e.g. Syria, Palestine, Haiti, Mali). In Ukraine WeWorld has been providing multi-sectoral lifesaving assistance in Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa Oblasts, and in newly liberated areas leveraging on existing partnership and capacity to timely identify and respond to needs. WeWorld offices are so far established in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Mykolaiv to cover Mykolaiv and Kherson operations.

More information available on https://www.weworld.it/


Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Line manager: Finance & Admin Coordinator


2.1 Tasks related to Administration and Accounting

  • Assist — Record daily the PA (Payment Authorization) actual payments in the internal cashbook, reconciling the internal coding for the archiving of the original documentation.
  • Compile supporting documentation (payment, liquidations, receipt package) to support processing of financial transactions. Communicate with relevant staff, partners or suppliers to follow up on required documents.
  • Prepare and maintain the Project/Donor archive according to the reporting deadlines and donor guidelines.
  • Assist — Registration of monthly expenditures in the WeWorld Accounting System (SQUARE) under the supervision of the Line Manager.

2.2 Tasks related to Finance

  • Assist — Process payments for vendors, suppliers, staff, consultants and partners.
  • Assist Line Manager managing bank accounts in accordance with WeWorld’s procedures.

2.3 HR Management

  • Keep and maintain the archiving of the HR folder (Personal Files in hard and SharePoint) in the office.
  • Assist in the preparation and publishing of job postings for local staff’s recruitments.
  • Following up on candidates, archiving CVs received, and communicating with applicants for test and interview schedules, recruitment status, and job offers.
  • Support in drafting the employees' contracts based on the internal Salary Scale, ToRs/Job Descriptions.
  • Documents and tracks HR actions by completing forms, reports, timesheets, and records.
  • Maintain leave records (leave requests and leave balances) and timely inform staff and their supervisors for unused leave days.
  • Provide leave information to External Accountant (Outsourced organization) for monthly payroll on timely basis.
  • Track Performance Appraisals of staff. Follow up with staff for timely completion of the Performance Evaluation Process (i.e. timely setting up Performance Goals/Objectives and Development Plans, conducing coaching sessions, self-reviews by staff, and appraisal/evaluation by Supervisors/next level).

2.4 Audit and Donor Verifications

  • Facilitate audits and donor verification visit. Retrieving finance documents for auditors, donors, Region or HQ requests through proper track ensuring that these are kept back after use (if needed in hard) / Scan and upload the documents on SharePoint.

2.5 Financial Reporting

  • Assist Line Manager in preparation of various financial reports (i.e. monthly financial reports, quarterly and year-end reports, regional/HQ reports, partner reports, donor financial reports etc.).

2.6 Other

  • Any other tasks assigned by Supervisor/Country Finance Manager.


1. Qualifications and Professional Experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting, Finance, Economics, HR or Business Administration
  • At least 2 years of experience in Finance/Accounting/HR
  • Experience in the development and humanitarian field desired
  • Working Knowledge of English. Fluency in Ukrainian
  • Good knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Teams)
  • Hands-on experience with data entry into online databases and forms.

2. Personal Skills

  • Strong capacity to adapt behavior to the needs of the situation in dynamic contexts, while dealing with different situations
  • Capacity to work under stress, autonomously and in problems prevention/resolution.
  • Proven organizational skills and ability to effectively manage multiple tasks while fostering quality, team spirit and positive working relationships with colleagues.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Strong organizational and problem-solving skills with analytic approach.
  • Ability to integrate and work well within multicultural teams.
  • Strong commitment to the Mission of WeWorld, genuine interest for humanitarian aid.
  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the NGO values and ethical standards; displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

WeWorld (WW) is an equal opportunity organization and will not allow discrimination based upon age, ethnicity, ancestry, gender, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, or any other status prohibited by applicable law. WeWorld has also a zero-tolerance approach to any harm to, or exploitation of, a child or a vulnerable adult by any of our staff, related persons or partners. Safeguarding checks are part of the selection process. WeWorld commitment to being a safe organization begins with the staff recruitment process which includes meticulous checks, such as criminal records checks or check disclosure of previous convictions, to ensure children and vulnerable people are safeguarded and abuse is prevented. WeWorld promotes a welcoming, diverse and discrimination- and harassment-free workplace and expects the highest standards of behaviour from all its staff, who are requested to adhere to the principles and behavioural rules defined in the CoEC and the Organisational Policies. The Code of Ethics and Conduct (CoEC), PSEAH, Child safeguarding and all the organisational policies can be found here: https://www.weworld.it/en/about-us/transparency

The Finance and HR Assistant must at all times act in accordance with WW’s humanitarian quality management system, including WW’s Code of Ethics and Conduct (CoEC), PSEAH, Child safeguarding, Antifraud and Anticorruption Policies, and the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) Standard.

This Job Description is an integral part of the employment contract and outlines the responsibilities and expectations associated with the position of Finance and HR Assistant at WeWorld Ukraine. Both the Organization and the Employee are expected to adhere to the terms and duties described herein.


  • (1) Pre-selection based on application — (2) Technical test or/and Individual interview.
  • Applications that do not match the profile or are incomplete will not be considered. 
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the written test and/or the interview. 
  • Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis


  • A motivation letter addressed to the Head of Mission. 
  • An updated, dated and signed CV, in English, including a list of at least two (02) references corresponding to the last direct supervisors (their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses must be specified). Also, the dates (start and end) of the various positions held must be specified. Receipt of applications: only by e-mail Відгукнутися
  • Recruitment is open until ‘the position is filled'.
  • Only successful pre-selected candidates will be contacted for further consideration.


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