Работал в 12 компаниях   23 года 2 месяца

Негосударственные организации / NGO, Медицина и Здравоохранение, Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт, Фармацевтика, IT-консалтинг / Услуги / Производство оборудования

Mission Supply Chain Manager

Medecins Sans Frontieres / Doctors Without Borders / Лікарі без кордонів

Негосударственные организации / NGO

4 месяца

01.2023 - 05.2023

  • Arrange of supply of all activities of the Mission "Doctors Without Borders" in Ukraine for all its regional projects.
  • Managing a local warehouse for humanitarian aid products.
  • Communication with transport companies and courier services to organize the delivery of humanitarian cargo in Ukraine.
  • Coordination of humanitarian aid deliveries from the Head office of the MSF in the EU.
  • Reporting and document flow on procurement and provision of Mission's projects.
  • Development of own projects in field of supply chain.

Regional consultant on Cold Chain and Supply Logistics.

UNICEF Ukraine

Негосударственные организации / NGO

11 месяцев

12.2021 - 11.2022

Launched and organized of works from the ground up of the UNICEF humanitarian aid warehouse in Kyiv (Kiev-HUB) since from March 1, 2022 (during hard time, when the enemy at the Kiev's gate).

Organization of deliveries of humanitarian aid to Donetsk, Luhansk, Sumy, Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine. Being as regional representative of UN Fund in such regions.

Manage of in-country logistics in the National project of the Ministry of Health and UNICEF with support of the World Bank and supply of equipment for cold chain logistics and vaccines against COVID-19 storage and transportation.

Consultant, Improvement of Supply Chain for Vaccination against COVID-19

United States Agency for International Development (USAID), USAID project "Safe, Affordable, and Effective Medicines for Ukrainians" (SAFEMed), which is implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH).

Медицина и Здравоохранение

6 месяцев

04.2021 - 10.2021

  • Created of supply systems of vaccines against COVID-19 and other imported humanitarian aid from the ground up;
  • implemented system of properly of storage and transportation vaccines against COVID-19;
  • Participation in realization vaccination plan by MOH against COVID-19 in summer 2021;
  • Provided a TOR for state tenders of logistics services concerning imported humanitarian aid and vaccines against COVID-19;
  • Provided a conversations with foreign donors of humanitarian aid for Ukraine for solution with pandemic of COVID-19;

Procurement & Supply Manager

Leko Style LLC

Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт

8 месяцев

12.2018 - 08.2019

  • Looking for new and working with existing vendors concerning purchasing of substanses, components, raw material and facilities for supply manufacturing.
  • Demand and forecasting.
  • Cooperation with logistics operators for arrange delivery of purchased products to Ukraine.Supply customs clearance process and conversation with authorities.
  • Credit Management and control for payment to Suppliers.
  • Contracts management flow.
  • Operations and reporting into corporative ERP system.
  • Presentations and Exhibitions participation.
  • Export support operations.

Logistics manager

Technomedex Group Ltd.


6 месяцев

06.2017 - 12.2017

Main responsibilities:

  • Procurements from best worldwide manufacturers of ophthalmology facility;
  • Procurements from best worldwide manufacturers of professional cosmetic;
  • Arrange delivery goods from foreign vendors to Ukraine incl. thermosensitive products (+2+8C). Proceeding with customs clearance operations;
  • Communication with responsible Bank for arrange in time payment to Vendors. Proceeding with a contracts flow;
  • Certification of Medical devices (MD) and professional cosmetic;
  • Stock operation and distribution management;
  • Demand and Supply of all company's sales activities;


  • Successfuly certification of Ellex Laser Ophthalmology Facility (Australia);
  • Successfuly certification of KUO'S Professioanal cosmetic (Spain);
  • Increase to 23% of sales during half year TM "Becton Dickinson";

Head Of Supply Chain, Quality Assurance and Customer Service Dept.

JSC "Humanity Georgia", Tbilisi - Georgia


1 год 11 месяцев

01.2015 - 12.2016

Provided guidance and supervision for a complex project business plan, which was created and presented to the Georgian Government.

Achievement: Shareholder Agreement with State Partner Fund of Georgia signed, financing for the project procured, work on the registration of the Humanity brand started.

Was instrumental in forming the local Department for Registration of Pharmaceutical Drugs and started the process of state registration of pharmaceutical products in Georgia.

Achievement: Allowed company to register an additional 180 finished pharmaceutical products (FPPs). Status on 01.12.2015, were switched to another position into Company.

Selected and prepared a warehouse suitable for storage of pharmaceuticals.

Achievement: Biggest in Georgia logistics providers were selected and approved. Warehouse licensed by the (Ministry of Health) MOH.

Set up warehouse storage for medications controlled by the MOH- narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Achievements: Enabled company to obtain a license by the MOH to operate a controlled substances warehouse, which resulted in importing a total of ten shipments containing 71,000 individual packs for a total price of $220,000. Four batches were certified by laboratories in Georgia.

Set up a process for certification of finished pharmaceutical products (FPPs) by a WHO-certified laboratory outside Georgia.

Achievement: Nine batches certified and ten other were certification-ready.

Was the driving force behind the creation of Department of Supply Chain, Quality Assurance, and Customer Service (Department of SC, QA, and CS), which employs eight people.

Achievement: During first 6 months 2016 imported medication for a total value of $3,000,000, product distributed to end customers (pharmacies, hospitals) for a total value of $1,500,000.

Successfully implemented the European Union requirements (GDP/GSP) for storage and transportation of pharmaceutical products.

Achievement: 15 local Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) were created and approved. Staff was trained and certified in the SOPs.

Supply Chain Manager

"UCB Pharma GmbH" - Reprecentative Office in Ukraine and Moldova

Медицина и Здравоохранение

5 лет 1 месяц

10.2009 - 11.2014

Served as Acting General Manager (Head of Rep. Office) during the 2010-2013 years:

Represented company in interactions with the State Health Authority (HA) and industry Associations (AIPM, EBA), managed sales services based on country's matrix organizational structure.

Achievement: Sales plan fulfilled for the final three years (2010 - 2013).

Managed distribution and commercial activity. Participated in tenders for hospital sales. Managed contracts and changes to them. Was in charge of Logistics and the delivery of product to distributors. Was in charge of the internal stock inventory.

Achievements: Efficiency of sales services increased by up to 23% as the result.

Responsible for planning for high-volume manufacturing and product range.

Achievements: Increased forecast accuracy for manufacturing of pharmaceutical products by up to 15%.

Responsible for product market access management, resolution of quality and certification issues, resolution of all regulatory and registration issues.

Achievements: Appeals filed with the state HA, which resulted in unblocking of, eight batches of pharmaceutical product for a total value of approximately $500,000.

Responsible for price registration of UCB Pharma drugs in the Republic of Moldova. Achievements: 2011 sales increased by $800,000, 2012 sales - by $1,000,000.

Selected a Bonded Warehouse (BW), audited pharmaceutical warehouses, responsible for deliveries of product requiring cold chain transportation.

Achievements: Conducted QA audits of four of potential cold chain providers, resulting in a selection of the best cold-chain provider.

Logistics Manager, Chief of Logistics Dept.

Louis Vuitton Moet Henessy (LVMH) Ukraine (Seldico)

Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт

1 год 3 месяца

12.2007 - 03.2009

Responsible for distribution of perfumes and cosmetics. Optimized the delivery system of product to be sent directly to outlets in Kiev.

Achievements: Delivery time reduced from 3-5 to 1 work day.

Conducted negotiations with a 3PL logistic provider to lower the service costs.

Achievements: In 2008, company was able to save €18,000 (10% of total expense).

Logistics Manager

MTI Ltd.

Торговля оптовая / Дистрибуция / Импорт-экспорт

1 год 2 месяца

09.2006 - 11.2007

Professional responsibilities:

  • Customer's orders proceeding;
  • Making of import/export operations;
  • cooperation with transport/insurance companies;
  • supervision of customs clearance activity;
  • manage orders in local ERP "People Soft" system (handling and operation);
  • Personal achievement:

  • Project manager: start-up of supply products from Sony Ericsson;Results: additionally vendor and TM to company's portfolio; Competitive advantage to Company.
  • Key participant in a Project of implementation ERP «People Soft»;Results: automatization of company's documents and procedures flow;

Logistics manager


IT-консалтинг / Услуги / Производство оборудования

4 года 1 месяц

07.2002 - 08.2006

Professional responsibilities:

  • Procurements and other purchase activities;
  • Proceeding of customer's orders fulfillment, import/export operations;
  • cooperation with express mail (DHL/TNT/UPS) and transportation companies;
  • freight foreign and domestic transport services;
  • cooperation with insurance companies;
  • relations with Ukrainian Customs Office;
  • supervision of warehouse operations;
  • Personal achievement:

  • Registered company for import/export operations in Ukrainian Customs; Results: Accredited card for foreign activities, own foreign affairs operations;

Logistics supply of main company's projects with «PrivatBank», Join Stock Bank «Finance and Credit», «AVAL»; Results: regular flow of equipment to

  • Created logistics flow, procurement and storage system from zero; Results: create an internal SOPs for order goods, purchase process, freight transport, storage management and insurance goods during transportation;

Logistics manager

LECIVA A.C. (feat. Zentiva International) Representative Office in Ukraine


11 месяцев

08.2001 - 07.2002

Professional responsibilities:

  • Customer Orders Fulfillment and Distributors support;
  • Supervision of Bonded Warehouse (BW) activities;
  • Prepare forecasts / reports;
  • Relations with a Head Office in Prague;
  • Credit management: control payments, discounts for clients calculation;
  • Making a contracts flow;
  • Personal achievement:
  • Sales plan 2001 achieved

Logistics Manager

IBM Ukraine - Information Business Systems & Telecommunications - IBM Alliance Company

IT-консалтинг / Услуги / Производство оборудования

5 лет

08.1996 - 08.2001

Professional responsibilities:

  • Customer Orders Fulfillment, warranty controlling and support;
  • Proceeding for import/export operations;
  • Making operations into ERP (IBM Global Network - CPPS);
  • Relations with a IBM EMEA Head office in Vienna (Austria);
  • Supervision and operation of IBM Parts Stock in Kiev;
  • Personal achievement:
  • Logistics supply of main company's projects with Bank «Ukraine»,

    State Tax Administration of Ukraine;

    Key participant in a Project of implementation ERP IBM (CPPS);

Ключевая информация

An accomplished, goal-oriented, and energetic professional with 20 years of experience in the field of Logistics, International Purchasing, and Supply Chain management with pharmaceutical and hi-tech companies. Proven track record of increasing sales, resolution of complex logistic issues, cost reductions, searching and finding new and better solutions for more effective business management.

Graduate Degrees (MA / PhD equivalent) in Teaching and Psychology

  • Expertise in Certifications and Registration of Pharmaceutical Drugs and medical devices (MD);.
  • Expertise in the European Union requirements (GDP/GSP), expertise in the Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS).
  • Extensive experience and flexibility in communicating and resolving issues with Health Authorities - both domestic and European.
  • Extensive international experience of creating supply systems from the ground up.
  • Wide experience in international transportation, storage operations and distribution activity;
  • Highest degree of computer literacy and competency in leveraging computer software and Internet technologies to achieve goals or implement the best solution: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Project), Lotus Notes family, Oracle / People Soft ERP System, Smart Sheet.
  • Trilingual: English / Russian / Ukrainian

Учился в 2 заведениях

G.S.Kostyuk Institute Of Psychology Of Ukraine (Aspirantura)

Postgraduate study / Psychophysiology

Kiev - Ukraine, 1998

Ukrainian State University Of Physical Culture And Sport

PE (physical education and sport)

Kiev - Ukraine, 1988

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Может проходить собеседование на этом языке



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Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Standards Technology Development

Kiev - Ukraine, 2014

Quality Risk Management

Standards Technology Development

Kiev - Ukraine, 2013

GxP: documents flow of medical drugs importer: Importer dossier, warehouse requirements, SOPs

Standards Technology Development

Kiev - Ukraine), 2013

Pharmaceuticals System of Quality (PQS)

Standards Technology Development

Kiev - Ukraine, 2012

Theory and practice GMP/GDP+GSP. Quality Assurance of medicine drugs during it storages and wholesale trade. Key points and rules of audit wholesale warehouse.

Standards Technology Development

Kiev - Ukraine, 2012

GDP/GSP in distributors quality system

Standards Technology Development

Kiev - Ukraine, 2012

Intellectual property in pharmaceutical market

Standards Technology Development

Kiev - Ukraine, 2012

Validation of pharmaceutical manufacture

IBM International Maintenance Parts Logistics (IMPL)

Amsterdam - Holland, 1998

Parts Logistic Course


Vienna - Austria, 1996


Дополнительная информация


Head of commercial / distribution + logistics department in Pharmaceuticals Company


Head of Logistics


59 лет

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