Работала в 4 компаниях   9 лет 1 месяц

Негосударственные организации / NGO, Строительство, Торговля розничная / Retail, Образование

Head of the office/ Comunication manager

City of Goodness/ I am the Future of Ukraine Charitable organisations

Негосударственные организации / NGO

3 года 9 месяцев

10.2020 - 07.2024

Key responsibilities

  • Controlling the work of the office (setting tasks, monitoring the execution of tasks, helping with the execution of tasks)
  • Search for funding for the projects
  • Collection of necessary information from all units of the Foundation for writing projects
  • Filling out and submitting grant applications
  • The entire cycle of communication with donors (from the moment of preparation for signing the contract to the moment of project completion)
  • Verification and preparation of project reports
  • Preparation and writing of application letters and other documentation
  • Organization/assistance in organizing events (education, forums, training, etc.)
  • Carrying out various tasks of the founder of the Fund

Key achievements

  • Wrote and submitted 20 project applications, of which 12 were funded
  • Together with the team, raised about $200 thousand to finance various projects of the Foundation, as well as inventory (furniture, appliances, medical equipment, etc.) for about $120 thousand

Administrative manager

Sport Technology LLC


1 год 2 месяца

01.2018 - 03.2019

Key responsibilities

  • Full support of office life (ordering food, stationery, furniture, etc.)
  • Registration of incoming and outgoing correspondence
  • Interaction with postal and courier services
  • Assistance in resolving issues of office employees
  • Searching for personnel on job search sites, coordinating them with the manager and inviting them to interviews
  • Preparation of personnel documents (preparation of documents for hiring, preparation of orders for hiring, dismissal, transfer, vacation, etc.)
  • Solving organizational issues with contractors
  • Fulfillment of all orders of the management (official and personal)


Subsidiary company "LPP Ukraine", trademark "Reserved"

Торговля розничная / Retail

10 месяцев

10.2016 - 08.2017

Key responsibilities

  • Opening and closing the cash register
  • Consultation and customer service
  • Maintaining cleanliness and order at the cash desk
  • Realization of collection
  • Assistance in the layout of goods
  • Fulfillment of other assignments of the manager.

Head of the sports tourism group



3 года

09.2013 - 09.2016

Key responsibilities

  • Work with children (grades 4-7)
  • Organization of training
  • Conducting safety briefings
  • Registration of insurance
  • Organization of hikes
  • Conducting and attending competitions
  • Solving all organizational issues.

Ключевая информация

5+ years of experience as an administrative and personal assistant. The last 3.5 years of experience in non-profit organizations, two of which as the Head of the office. During this time, I learned to cope with various tasks, such as: searching and analyzing information, communicating with partners and beneficiaries, writing projects, preparing and submitting reports, organizing trainings and other events, searching for personnel, setting and controlling tasks for different departments. I quickly find contact with people, Also, I know how to deal with conflict situations in the team.

Училась в 2 заведениях

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Finance, banking and insurance/ State finance

Kyiv, 2018

Kyiv National Linguistic University

Economics, management and law/ administration manager

Kyiv, 2017

Владеет языками



Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Course “CHARITY. VOLUNTEERING. MONEY.” from the Kyiv School of State Administration named after Sergiy Nizhny

Kyiv, 2023

The course provided in-depth information on the work of charitable organizations. Namely, the skills that are required from the moment such an organization is established, legal and accounting support, regulatory framework, fundraising methods, team building, and more. 


Project Manager (NGO)


60 000 грн.

29 лет

полная занятость, проектная работа

Характер работы: удаленная работа, в офисе/на месте

Обновлено 1 месяц назад