Работал в 7 компаниях   13 лет 5 месяцев

Государственный сектор, Негосударственные организации / NGO, Интернет, Промышленность и Производство

Regional Public Relations Coordinator

Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

Государственный сектор

5 месяцев

10.2024 - по настоящее время

As a regional coordinator, I perform the following list of functions for the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights in the Mykolaiv region:

- providing information about the structure and functions of the Commissioner;

- establishing contacts with the public;

- participating in and organizing legal education events;

- implementing the national preventive mechanism;

- organizing and conducting citizen consultations;

- conducting inspections and monitoring visits;

- public monitoring of the human rights situation in the region.

Team leader GBV


Негосударственные организации / NGO

4 месяца

02.2024 - 06.2024

Team building, participation in discussions and clusters, interaction with local authorities and communities. Team management and implementation of the Danish project on combating gender-based violence in the Mykolaiv region in close cooperation with the Regional Center for Social Protection.

Leading expert on regional coordination (team leader)

Charitable Foundation "Right to Protection"

Негосударственные организации / NGO

10 месяцев

03.2023 - 01.2024

Development of the fund's representation in the southern region. Joined one of the largest human rights national NGOs in Ukraine at the beginning of the project "Legal Support for IDPs and Affected Population in the De-occupied Territories of Ukraine" in the south as a regional team leader. Key responsibilities included:

Team building (recruitment and management of a 30-person team in the Mykolaiv office and a team of over 10 people in Kherson); monitoring and advocacy activities, representation and establishing connections with communities, departments, local authorities, partners, etc.; participation in clusters, events, meetings, round tables, etc.; coordination of mobile group deployments; reporting and constant communication with program and project managers (DanChurchAid, Acted, Save the Children, Access); support and presentation of office work during donor visits; administrative work and current office planning, etc.

Led an emergency mission in the Kherson region for 6 weeks with a team of over 20 people (lawyers, psychologists, monitors, social workers, drivers, security), aimed at providing various assistance to those affected by the flooding after the Kakhovka HPP explosion.


"300 mykolaivciv"

Негосударственные организации / NGO

1 год

02.2022 - 02.2023

Volunteer Experience: During the war in Ukraine against Russia, we established active operations for delivering humanitarian aid. I have personal experience in establishing working relationships with international foundations. In particular, I collaborated with World Central Kitchen, ACTED, and Caritas Ukraine.

Experience: organizing the daily preparation and distribution of 2,000 meal portions to the population, distributing several thousand food packages, trips to frontline settlements, evacuation and housing provision for displaced persons. Managing a team of up to 50 volunteers.


"300 mykolaivciv"

Негосударственные организации / NGO

2 года 9 месяцев

03.2020 - 12.2022

Simultaneously with my work in design, I co-founded a public organization with like-minded individuals.

The organization's tasks were to improve citizens' quality of life, protect small and medium-sized businesses, assist low-income city residents, support regional youth, maintain city cleanliness and ecology, and combat lawlessness and arbitrariness of local authorities. Due to the lack of external investments, all available methods of struggle were used - social media coverage, online broadcasts, legal cases, rallies, and other mass actions.

Experience: public and social activities, organizing mass events, communication with authorities and city residents, developing a public organization from scratch, working in a team of up to 50 people.


Woipn Group


5 лет 1 месяц

01.2017 - 02.2022

Complete change of professional activity. Completed several courses and acquired a profession in IT.

Creation of visual content - from business cards and banners to mobile apps, websites, and large portals. Led a team of less experienced designers consisting of 10 people. Primary responsibilities included client communication, conveying technical specifications to the team, and quality control of completed tasks.

Experience: working in a multitasking mode, ability to make quick decisions, taking responsibility for the team in front of the client, developed creative thinking, and understanding the specifics of working relationships with Western companies.

Customer service manager

"Technoplast Engeneering"

Промышленность и Производство

5 лет 4 месяца

06.2011 - 10.2016

The company is the exclusive representative of a British manufacturer of protective photopolymer coatings. I had a wide range of responsibilities - from preparing commercial proposals and establishing logistics chains to presenting at conferences and teaching material handling technology at industrial facilities.

Experience: conducting business negotiations, public speaking in front of audiences of up to 200 people, working with a single product, extensive travel and business trips, maintaining accounting documentation, and conducting training events for groups ranging from 3 to 30 people, etc.

Ключевая информация

Over 4 years in the social sector, including leadership positions. Extensive experience in team building and team management. Adhere to systematic approaches in work. Have established contacts with the public and representatives of the authorities in the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions, IDP councils, Protection and Shelter clusters, etc. Knowledgeable and adhere to the principles of humanitarian law. Completed several Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) courses, which enable me to work in high-risk areas. Have experience in organizing and managing emergency charitable missions in dangerous zones.

Учился в 1 заведении

Kyiv Slavic University

Economy and finance

Kyiv, 2011

Владеет языками







Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Geneva call training



Course in tactical medicine



HEAT certificate



Other certificates of UNICEF, USAID, DCA



Recommendation letter "Right to Protection"



Thanks from the Red Cross




Coordinator, Team leader, Manager


Готов переехать: Одесса

36 лет

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость, неполная занятость, проектная работа

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