Ключевая информация
Report`s writing, SOP and instruction drafting, MoM writing;
Experience in organizing and conducting seminars in online (webinars) and offline formats;
Good skills in Project and Finance management;
Experience in cooperation with local self-government authorities regarding the organization of consultations, information sessions, seminars and webinars for community residents and IDP;
Work experience (informing, consulting and legal assistance) in hard-to-reach locations, cities on the demarcation line (government-controlled territory);
Advocacy activities;
The ability to work to achieve "long-term solutions" (durable solutions);
Work in the format of achieving the country's sustainable development goals;support of public procurements (on the part of the organizer and on the part of the participant);etc.
Учился в 2 заведениях
Donetsk University of Economics and Law
Bahmut, 2009
Donetsk University of Economics and Law
Enterprise economics / Economist
Bahmut, 2009
Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты
Project DPro: Project Management for Development Professionals
FMD Pro: Financial Management for Development Professionals
Introduction to advocacy
Project Cycle Management (PCM)
Landmines and Explosive Remnants of War Safaty Training
Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Aid (English)
Data Protection - an introduction
I drafted Data Protection SOP for one of NGO I worked.
NRC HEIST (Hostile Environment Individual Security Training)
Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Project Manager / Officer
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