Ключевая информация

Report`s writing, SOP and instruction drafting, MoM writing;

Experience in organizing and conducting seminars in online (webinars) and offline formats;

Good skills in Project and Finance management;

Experience in cooperation with local self-government authorities regarding the organization of consultations, information sessions, seminars and webinars for community residents and IDP;

Work experience (informing, consulting and legal assistance) in hard-to-reach locations, cities on the demarcation line (government-controlled territory);

Advocacy activities;

The ability to work to achieve "long-term solutions" (durable solutions);

Work in the format of achieving the country's sustainable development goals;support of public procurements (on the part of the organizer and on the part of the participant);etc.

Учился в 2 заведениях

Donetsk University of Economics and Law


Bahmut, 2009

Donetsk University of Economics and Law

Enterprise economics / Economist

Bahmut, 2009

Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

Project DPro: Project Management for Development Professionals

Online, 2022

FMD Pro: Financial Management for Development Professionals

Online, 2022

Introduction to advocacy

Online, 2022

Project Cycle Management (PCM)

Online, 2021

Landmines and Explosive Remnants of War Safaty Training

Online, 2019

Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Aid (English)

Online, 2019

Data Protection - an introduction

Online, 2019

I drafted Data Protection SOP for one of NGO I worked. 

NRC HEIST (Hostile Environment Individual Security Training)

Severodoneck, 2019

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Online, 2019


Project Manager / Officer

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Готов переехать: Киев, Днепр, Винница, Тернополь, Черкассы, Черновцы, Краматорск

50 000 грн.

40 лет

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