Работала в 8 компаниях   18 лет 1 месяц

Другое, Негосударственные организации / NGO, Государственный сектор

Менеджер швидкого реагування

DAI Global LLC


5 месяцев

10.2024 - по настоящее время

Under general Emergency Response tasks:

- Needs Assessment and Analysis along the all stages of the activities;

- Analysis of potential energy response and environmental hazards;

- Managing all kinds of trackers (budget, procurement, delivery, impact, etc);

- Coordination activities within the DAI Global departments and with vendors, beneficiaries, etc.

- Coordination of site visits, preparation of site visits analytical reports;

- Prepare accurate and timely progress reports on a quarterly basis and contribute to preparation of annual reports

Staff Supervision:

- Manage the team and coordinate their travels to the site fields and beneficiaries locations;

- Manage team workload, set clear goals, monitor performance and evaluate results;

- Provide guidance, coordinate and advise on how to achieve objectives set;

- Build the capacity of staff in performing corresponding compliance procedures; coach and empower staff to catalyze ideas and formulate implementation plan to reach the targets

Emergency Response Coordinator

CARE Ukraine

Негосударственные организации / NGO

1 год 9 месяцев

06.2023 - по настоящее время


Take initiative and make decisions with limited support in fast moving environments.

Monitor and analyze contextual situation to define preparedness plans (including budgeting, security, logistics aspects required for triggering an emergency response);

Organize and conduct multi-sectoral contextual/needs assessments on-site, map the possible risks to be mitigated, define a response plan, evaluate the budgets/project available to address the needs identified, mobilize all needed resources, including partners, to ensure a timely engagement;

Coordinate efforts between different actors (within the organization, partners, I/NNGOs, and the authorities of all levels); Plan the teamwork and report on the results;

Develop Standards of Operations for certain emergency response activities;

Develop and keep on track all documentation related to corresponding activities;

Develop and keep network of external and internal connections/liaisons;

Operationalize all security and logistics aspects needed to facilitate/optimize emergency response in-country.

Analyst in Crisis Analysis Team, Assistant Enhanced Due Diligence

Mercy Corps

Негосударственные организации / NGO

10 месяцев

08.2022 - 06.2023


Conducting multisector research to manage the risks associated with operating in Ukraine;

Design and implement vetting assessments of potential partners, as well as undertaking assessments of programmatic, partner, and operational risks;

Build and develop a knowledge repository on the programming landscapes and partners in Ukraine;

Design and undertake assessments of potential partners, programs, areas of operation, and operational risks.

Inform programmatic and operational decision-making team by supporting the production of insightful and concise Ukraine Crisis Analytics reports;

Develop and maintain a database on the programming landscapes and partners in Ukraine;

Coordinate with allocated program teams and wider response to understand their information needs and provide timely and relevant advice;

Identify new areas of focus based on the understanding of audience needs;

Deliver regular enhanced due diligence analytical products/reports that meet the current and future information needs of identified audiences.

Project Assistant to Denmark Project

UN Women

Негосударственные организации / NGO

4 года 1 месяц

11.2018 - 12.2022

1UN Women, Project Assistant to Denmark Project in Ukraine “Decentralisation and Law Enforcement Reforms: Transformative approaches to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Ukraine”


Assist in the preparation of reports, project documentation and submissions;

Assist in monitoring of the project activities by reviewing project documentation and a variety of records, progress reports, budgets, and financial expenditures;

Maintain accurate financial and personnel records of the project;

Document project activities and reports;

Assist in coordination of the exchange of information among the project partners / responsible parties;

Make arrangements for appointments and meetings, provide administrative support to conferences, workshops, retreats;

Facilitate travel arrangements: reserve flight schedules, coordinate with the Country Office Operations section for relevant travel advances and claims, seek appropriate visa and security clearances;

Make arrangements for appointments and meetings, providing administrative support to conferences, workshops, retreats of the project;

Prepare payment requests, financial reports, budget planning, and financial expenditures;

Undertake basic financial analysis (i.e. budget variance) to support project information needs and prepare financial reports based on donor and project requirements and provide timely reports.

Consultant for Food and Economic Security Program Support in Ukraine


Негосударственные организации / NGO

4 месяца

06.2022 - 10.2022


Deliver analytical reports on agricultural sector/business in Ukraine;

Provide consultations on current status of food and economic security in Ukraine;

Develop and keep network of external and internal connections/liaisons;

Organize and participate in kick-off meetings with regional/community authorities, business representatives and partners.

Field Assistant


Негосударственные организации / NGO

3 года 5 месяцев

05.2015 - 10.2018

UN OCHA Ukraine, Field Assistant


Assistance in administrative tasks: reporting and meeting authorized personnel and assisting them during field mission;

Acting as interpreter in the exchange of routine information, contributing to related liaison activities and respond directly to routine queries;

Collect data and other information relevant to OCHA and report to the supervisor accordingly;

Keep regular contacts with local authorities, humanitarian partners;

In coordination with humanitarian partners, assist in the reception, provision of assistance in the areas of information and coordination management;

Support to the effective and efficient functioning of the OCHA field office;

Provision of travel services;Secretarial support functions;

Head of Media & Communication Department of Donetsk regional state administration

Donetsk regional state administration

Государственный сектор

5 лет 7 месяцев

05.2010 - 12.2015

05/2010 – 09/2014 Deputy Head of Media & Communication Department of Donetsk RegionalState Administration

05/2014 – 12/2015 Head of Media & Communication Department of Donetsk Regional StateAdministration


Develop and implement strategic communication plans that align with the Regional Administration’s objectives;

Develop and execute public relations strategies to manage the Administration's public image;

Mitigate potential reputational risks associated with the crisis (2014-2015);

Manage public relations and external communications;

Acted as primary point of contact for media inquiries;

Creating and distributing press releases, managing social media platforms, maintaining positive relationships with media outlets;

Coordinate media interactions and interviews, providing accurate and timely information;

Coordinate events, conferences, other public-facing activities to promote the Administration's image and engage with the broader community;

Budget planning and managing.


Донецька обласна державна адміністрація

Государственный сектор

8 лет 6 месяцев

03.2007 - 09.2015

Медіа і коммунцікаціі. Адміністративні, фінансові обов’язки.

Ключевая информация

  • Організація і координація роботи в умовах турбулентності;
  • Дотримання норм і стандратів компанії;
  • Командний ігрок з відповідальністю за власні рішення;
  • Координація роботи між різними командами та учасниками проекту;
  • Забезпечення взаємодії між різними проектними етапами
  • Планування та керування виконанням проекту згідно зі специфікаціями та термінами
  • Організація засідань та зустрічей для обговорення прогресу та планів;
  • Підготовка звітів, медіа матеріалів;
  • Творчий і відповідальний підхід до розв'язання проблем.

Училась в 3 заведениях

Donetsk National Technical University

Public Administration

Donetsk, Ukraine, 2013

Kherson National Technical University

Economy of Enterprise

Kherson, 2001

Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages

English & French Languages and literature

Horlivka, Ukraine, 1996

Владеет языками



UN Language certificate


выше среднего

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке

Может проходить собеседование на этом языке





Курсы, тренинги, сертификаты

First Aid training

Kyiv, 2024

Hostile Environment Awareness Training

Lviv, 2023

Дополнительная информация

Особисті якості

Working experience in governmental and non-governmental entities, educational background and personal qualities prepared me to work hard and with passion.

Strong communication and coordination skills.

Confident high-level representation skills.

Strong analytical and strategic planning skills.

Proven influencing, negotiating and networking skills with internal and external audiences.

Goal-oriented. Creative.

Love deadlines.

Open to explore new.


Менеджер проекту


51 год

Активно ищет работу

полная занятость, проектная работа

Характер работы: удаленная работа, гибридная, в офисе/на месте

Обновлено 1 день назад