Працював в 3 компаніях 5 років 8 місяців
Недержавні організації / NGO, Промисловість та Виробництво
Area manager
Global Communities
Недержавні організації / NGO
2 роки 1 місяць
02.2023 - до теперішнього часу
Global Communities,
CLEAR ProgramArea Manager
Chernivtsi,Chernihiv, Dnipro, Kharkiv
office June 2023 – present day29 subordinatesManages activities in Shelter & WASH, Protection, Partnerships, MEL, FBM Coordinates with community leaders, city and regional administrations Ensures adherence to program strategy, deadlines, and humanitarian standards Organizes monitoring visits for the HQ representativesParticipates in cluster meetings and cooperates with humanitarian organizations in the respective areasParticipates in the staff recruitment for regional officesSecures budget spending projections for both office and program expenses
- Керівництво та координація діяльності в певній географічній зоні або секторі бізнесу
- Планування та розподіл ресурсів для досягнення цілей та показників ефективності
- Моніторинг та аналіз результатів роботи підрозділів або магазинів у зоні відповідальності
- Розробка та впровадження стратегій для підвищення продуктивності та рентабельності
- Навчання та розвиток персоналу
Team leader
Недержавні організації / NGO
11 місяців
03.2022 - 02.2023
Took part in such projects as: CCM Letters and Mapping, ABA, CCM, ATMCoordinate field teams during data collection. Participate in the planning of the evaluation, including the preparation of space plans, order forms and other relevant steps. Support field team members in their areas of expertise in collaboration with local authorities, military, facilities, partners and other stakeholders. Archive all relevant field documents, photographs and information during and after data collection in designated directories/servers.Editing, proofreading of field documents in Russian/Ukrainian/English, printing, scanning.
Senior Manager for maintenance of metallurgical and energy equipment Mariupol
Промисловість та Виробництво
2 роки 6 місяців
08.2019 - 02.2022
35 subordinatesEnsured failure-free performance of the equipment and organized commissioning and maintenance of workDeveloped project budgetingReported equipment acceptance and writing offSupervised teamwork and developed work schedules for employeesSecured adherence to labor protection, fire safety, and electrical access of subordinate staffMetinvestpromservi
Ключова інформація
Skills- Project Management- Distribution Planning- Partnership Development- Community Engagement- Strategic Planning- Communication- Monitoring and Evaluation,Accountability and Learning in Emergencies- Humanitarian Standards Compliance- Crisis Management Driving license BLanguages: native speaker of Ukrainian basic English
Навчався в 1 закладі
Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Приазовський державний технічний університет"
Маріуполь, 2002
Володіє мовами
Курси, тренінги, сертифікати
Certificate-Security Risk Management-Reporting Security Incident-Programming in Women and Girls Safe Spaces-Correct distribution of shelter housing- Assessment and transfer of local humanitarian knowledge- How to manage security incidents- Human trafficking in emergency situations- Do no harm: The practical basis of conflict- Volunteer management- School of Protection- Training of trainers- Responding to sexual violence in the workplace- Protecting children from sexual abuse by observers-Assessment of needs- Cash and voucher assistance- Acceptance in Action- The Importance of Duty of Care
Додаткова інформація
Свій розділ
June 2023 – Present Global Communities, Chernivtsi &Chernihiv Office**Area Manager- Oversee operations of the Chernivtsi office and concurrently manage responsibilities of Chernihiv office.- Coordinate distribution activities, protection events, and cash modalities, adhering to programmatic strategies and deadlines.- Coordinate distribution activities, protection events, and cash modalities, adhering to programmatic strategies and deadlines.- Implemented monitoring visits to partner organizations, ensuring program quality and compliance.- Maintain communication with community leaders and heads of public organizations to facilitate program engagement and uphold humanitarian standards.- Fostered effective communication with community leaders, regional administrations, and social protection departments to address community needs and monitor vulnerable populations.
February 2023 - June 2023Project Coordinator, CLEAR Program- Developed distribution plans and organized distribution efforts for IDP settlements in Chernivtsi Oblast.- Collaborated with six partner NGOs to deliver assistance and support to affected populations.- Ensured effective implementation of programmatic objectives and adherence to strategic plans.- Facilitated communication between stakeholders to enhance program visibility and impact. 31.05.22- 01.02.2023 – Team leader enumerator in the REACH Initiative - a humanitarian non-governmental organization that provides research, data and analysis to support more effective humanitarian activities in crisis situations. By providing accurate and reliable information about the humanitarian situation of the population in Ukraine, REACH's work contributes to improved aid delivery and more transparent decision-making.Took part in such projects as: CCM Letters and Mapping, ABA, CCM, ATM
01.08.19 - 24.04.22 Metallurgical equipment maintenance senior manager in Rolling mill workshop (Illich Steel and Iron Works, Mariupol) Work responsibilities:Ensuring failure-free performance of the equipment and organisation of commissioning and maintenance workPreparation and development of project budgets;Reporting acceptance and writing off of equipment;Supervising teamwork and organisations of work schedules for employees01.01.20-24.02.22 Project manager in Banka studio (aquarium shop and educational centre in Mariupol)Project management, including purchasing equipment, development of work plan and budgetHolding creative workshops for teeganers and adultsSmm and organisation of aquarium contests for the local communityParticipation in international competitions of biotope aquariums;Research of ecological pollution of the rivers Kalchik and Kalmius within the city and coverage of these problems at the international level 01.05.17-01.08.19 Metallurgical equipment maintenance senior manager (Metinvestpromservis, Mariupol)Work responsibilities:Planning and organisation of repair works of pump and pipeline equipement, and blast furnacesReporting acceptance and writing off of equipment;Supervising work of 45 employees and delegating tasks to 3 foremen;Preparation of certificates of completion and project budgets;Organisation of workplace safety courses for employees
Area Manager Project coordinator

Готовий переїхати: Львів, Вінниця, Чернігів, Чернівці
Активно шукає роботу
повна зайнятість, проектна робота
Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна, в офісі/на місці
Оновлено 6 днів тому