Працював в 7 компаніях 16 років 6 місяців
Недержавні організації / NGO, Державний сектор
WatHab engineer
International Committee of the Red Cross
Недержавні організації / NGO
7 місяців
08.2024 - до теперішнього часу
- Regular field visits to the operational sites for the close supervision of the ongoing operation in the field and making technical needs assessments reports.
- Contribute to project proposals, outputs and indicators, to ensure timely and quality delivery of projects
- Preparation of all procurement and administrative documents required for project implementation.
- Drawing up terms of references, defective reports and BoQs.
- Checking the quality of materials and workmanship for conformity with the requirements of the contract.
- Coordinate rehabilitation works in water supply/sanitation facilities, health facilities, boiler rooms, dormitories in places of detention (camps for prisoners of war) including design and supervision of work contracts ensuring that they are completed in time and within budget.
- Contribute to project proposals, outputs and indicators, to ensure timely and quality delivery of projects
- Conducts construction site handing over, makes regular supervision of all construction project sites and evaluates the progress.
- Contribute to the preparation of internal and external reports.
- Translation of meetings with stakeholders and preparation of meeting minutes
WASH Program Manager/ Coordinator
Save the Children
Недержавні організації / NGO
2 роки 10 місяців
05.2022 - до теперішнього часу
Planning and implementing all program activities, as a manager and a member of a team, such as: drilling boreholes with installation of manual pumps (20 boreholes in Chernihiv region), rehabilitation of water filtering (1 in Kyiv region) and pumping stations (Chernihiv), installation of water pressure towers (4 pcs), installation of water purifying units (2 in Mykolaiv region), repair of sanitation facilities and other WASH infrastructures, providing of equipment and materials for water supply utilities (21 vodokanals), providing of special vehicles (5 units), water trucking (724147 liters of drinking water were delivered to Kherson region), hygiene kits distribution (17755 kits), cleaning kits (5000 pcs) hygiene promotion in collective centers (for two years of my management WASH team covered 839,607 beneficiaries in Kherson, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Kyiv and Chernihiv regions)
Budget management ($4,126,887 were spent for two years for WASH projects from BHA, DEC, ECHO, SIDA and Humanitarian Fund)
Prepare engineering design, bill of quantities, cost estimate of WATSAN infrastructures.
Participate in tender committees.
Conducts construction site handing over, makes regular supervision of all construction project sites and evaluates the progress.
Checking the quality of materials and workmanship for conformity with the requirements of the contract.
Project planning and ensure that interventions are completed in line with project proposals and Terms of Reference (ToRs).
Participation in WASH cluster meetings.
Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual progress report and conduct provisional acceptance for completed projects.
Donor reporting: responsible for writing technical and financial part of the project reports.
Participation in writing proposals to donors
Head of production and operational service at Volnovakhavodokanal
Компанія Вода Донбасу, КП
Державний сектор
7 років 3 місяці
11.2014 - 02.2022
Management of the department, coordination and management of employees of the production and technical department.
Accounting for materials, their movement and write-off, verification of material reports, execution of work performed, development of orders, instructions,
Solving technical issues with representatives of design organizations.
Control over the timely provision of construction projects with technical documentation.
Development, adjustment of schedules of repair and construction works. Preparation of sets of works for the planned period.
Control of scope of work,
Participation in the development of estimates, drawing up defective acts, BoQs;
Verification of design and estimate documentation, working drawings.
Drawing up and verification of executive-technical documentation in accordance with regulatory documents
Regular visits to facilities for quality control and verification of the scope of work performed.
Deputy Chairman of the Volnovakha district State Administration for Housing and Communal Services
Волноваська РДА
Державний сектор
1 рік 3 місяці
04.2013 - 07.2014
Supervised the enterprises of housing and communal services in preparation for work in winter conditions in emergency situations.
Participated as a member of the committees for solving issues of waste management of the district, the committee for the accessibility of infrastructure for people with disabilities, the committee for the construction and reconstruction of engineering and social infrastructure facilities
Participated in development of Programs of social and economic development of Volnovakha district.
Head of the water supply and sewerage section at Volnovakhavodokanal
Компанія Вода Донбасу, КП
Державний сектор
1 рік 8 місяців
07.2011 - 03.2013
Managed the technical operation of water supply sewerage networks.
Ensured rational use of water.
Drow up repair schedules.
Ensured timely and high-quality preventive maintenance.
Controlled: technical condition of water supply and sewage networks.
rational use of materials when performing repair work on networks. compliance with the rules of technical operation, labor protection and fire and explosion safety requirements.
Ensured the operation of a section of water supply networks in emergency and emergency situations.
Developed measures aimed at introducing effective technologies for the operation of water management, means of mechanization, equipping production areas with the necessary equipment.
Participated in the development of long-term and annual plans for the repair of water supply and sewage systems.
Organized the timely preparation and submission of applications for equipment, tools, spare parts, materials, instrumentation for the needs of operation and repair, carrying out measures to ensure that personnel comply with established rules, safety measures and fire prevention measures.
Master of the water supply system at Volnovakhavodokanal
Компанія Вода Донбасу, КП
Державний сектор
2 роки 2 місяці
05.2009 - 07.2011
Management of the emergency repair team.
Ensuring timely and safe performance of work on water supply networks.
Normative use of materials.
Management of the personnel of the pumping station and control of the operating mode of the station and the quality of the supplied water.
Operation of electric pumping equipment and water disinfection equipment.
Economist at Volnovakhavodokanal
Компанія Вода Донбасу, КП
Державний сектор
1 рік
05.2008 - 05.2009
Performed calculations on material, labor and financial costs necessary for the production and sale of products.
Carried out an economic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise and its divisions, identifies production reserves, developed measures to ensure the economy regime, increase the profitability of production, labor productivity, reduce the cost of production and sales of products, eliminate losses and unproductive costs, as well as identify opportunities for additional output.
Prepared periodic reports in a timely manner.
Performed work related to non-routine calculations and control over the correctness of settlement operations.
Ключова інформація
MS Office, AutoCAD, Program for creating estimates for repairs (TK ИСС, АВК5), Geographic information systems: "MapInfo" and "Hydrograph"
Навчався в 2 закладах
Донбаська національна академія будівництва і архітектури
hydraulic engineer. Water supply and sewerage.
Макіївка, 2012
Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
Economic faculty, Marketing
Донецьк, 2008
Володіє мовами
вище середнього
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові
Курси, тренінги, сертифікати
Project Management for Service Providers in Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene
Project management at WASH area
Essentials of Blast-induced Damage Assessment and Repair
How to make assessments of damaged building and constructions and define the level of destruction
Introduction to the Core Humanitarian Standard
Knowledge of core humanitarian standards, minimums, quality indicators.
Water and Habitat in Detention
Course about engineering assistance in places of detention. Main approaches, standards.
Save the Children Humanitarian Intermediate Program
Starting a humanitarian response. assessments in the field and first reactions.
HEAT training
Hostile environment awareness training. Basic survival lessons for humanitarian workers and basic first aid skills
Microsoft Excel professional level 1
Project Management Methodology (PMM) Flex Training
Project Management in humanitarian area
Project Manager, WASH/Shelter Program Manager/Coordinator/Engineer
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Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна, в офісі/на місці
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