Працював в 2 компаніях   17 років

Будівництво, Банки


Назву компанії приховано


9 років 2 місяці

01.2016 - до теперішнього часу

- Management of a company with a staff of 50 people; - In 2017, repairs of more than 20 communal properties of Kyiv and the region (schools, kindergartens, cultural buildings, etc. were made. In 2018- 2020, there were 11 objects in operation; - Representing company in work with supervisory bodies; - Representation of the company in the tenders; - Attracting contractors and working with customers. Challenge:Company was raided. All banking accounts were blocked. We could not pay salaries and buy equipment for repair but we had a deadline. I have negotiated with workers and suppliers about deferral of payment. It was dificult, but I was able to convince my partners.

Branch Manager

Назву компанії приховано


7 років 8 місяців

05.2006 - 01.2014

- Increased inancial result to 250%( from US $ 1.2 million to US $3.0 million) - Handling the tasks of recruiting and training 12 tellers - Achieving sales targets by adopting innovative sales management techniques - Reviewing, approving, and rejecting credit applications and loan - Acquiring new and working with existing clients

Навчався в 1 закладі

Уманський національний університет садівництва

Економіки і підприємства, Облік та аудит

Умань, 2006

Володіє мовами




нижче середнього



Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

"DAO PM" IAMPM laboratory of non-technical IT education

Київ, 2023

During the course, I gained practical skills such as: to draw up project documentation; to work with different types of contracts; to communicate with the customer and the team; to manage risks, resources and time; to conduct business correspondence and to work with project documentation; to manage customer expectations; to create WBS and transfer tasks to performers; to work with priorities;

Google Digital Workshop"

Київ, 2021

Website Trafic Analysis, Google Ads Optimization, Email Marketing Tools ,Effective Video Ads,Experience all the possibilities of display advertising, Using e-commerce for sale, Use all the opportunities of social networks

Facebook Digital associate

Київ, 2021

Facebook Tools for Businesses, Create Ads From a Facebook Page and Instagram Account, Align a Business Goal to an Ad Objective, Create Audiences in Ads Manager, Choose Ad Placements, Budget and Schedule in Ads Manager, Manage Your Ad Campaigns, Set Up and Use the Facebook Pixel for Ad Campaigns)

Facebook Digital associate

Київ, 2021

Facebook Tools for Businesses, Create Ads From a Facebook Page and Instagram Account, Align a Business Goal to an Ad Objective, Create Audiences in Ads Manager, Choose Ad Placements, Budget and Schedule in Ads Manager, Manage Your Ad Campaigns, Set Up and Use the Facebook Pixel for Ad Campaigns)

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості

8 years in inancial sales and 12 years in management I have acquired business development skills through various goals i have worked for, such as acquiring new clients for car loans, consumer loans, mortgage providing business proitability and organizing worklow I have worked across clients in industries such as Automotive,Banking,Insurance and Construction

I enjoy in fostering a positive team culture, promoting individual growth, and facilitating effective communication and collaboration among team members

i have strong interest in working with individuals who are passionate about their professional development and are eager to learn and grow

i thrive in an environment that encourages brainstorming and creative problemsolving.

Анонімний пошукач

Project Manager, СEO


41 рік

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